Sunday, June 8, 2014

instanceof for C++: typeid

Always be certain that pointers are dereferenced when using typeid. It can be a common error, and the compiler won't give any warning.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Variations in SCV harvesting rate

SCVs harvest the slowest of all workers because they have the lowest acceleration. However, sometimes they don't need to accelerate and seem to jump to max speed. This happens on certain minerals, depending on how they are placed on the map in relation to the command center. 

I observed this effect when I was trying to  measure how many SCVs can mine a mineral for maximum efficiency. I defined idle time for each mineral as any frame an SCV is travelling and not harvesting from it. Dividing by the total time gives the idle ratio. As seen below, the ratios for 1 SCV per patch is about 0.5, so in theory 2 SCVs can mine from each patch at full efficiency. 

Take note of the top 2 mineral patches. They both have had only one SCV (the 10th extra SCV stays around the bottom) for a while, and have stabilized to different idle values. The top one spends 48% idle, while the one under it is 55% idle. The SCV that mines the top patch is consistently moving faster than the SCV directly below it.

If we assume the difference is from the top SCV not having to accelerate, and that it is possible to micro the SCVs to move faster in mining, then 2 SCVs per patch should achieve perfect efficiency.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Where do SCVs go inside refineries?

SCV just before it enters the refinery. Its order is 'MoveToGas'.

SCV inside refinery. Notice the info panel is still being drawn in the same place. Its order is now 'HarvestGas'.

The refinery info panel, with SCV inside. BWAPI does not return any units loaded inside the refinery, or else it would have shown up on the info panel.

SCV as it leaves the refinery. Its order is now 'ReturnGas'.

I now believe that the SCV simply turns invisible while it is harvesting gas. Maybe it is also invincible. BWAPI's Unit::getLoadedUnits() cannot be used here as it returns no loaded units. The only way to check for SCVs inside refineries seems to be to see if the Order status is 'HarvestGas'. BWAPI documentation notes that Game::getAllUnits() does not include units inside refineries so the pointer to the SCVs must be saved before they enter.